Ontario HAM Amateur Band Plan List

Band Plan

Wavelength                        Frequency
(Meters)                            (MHz)
10-meter                        28.000-29.700
6-meter                         50.000-54.000
2-meter                        144.000-148.000
70-cm                          420.000-450.000


2 Meters (144-148 MHz)
144.00-144.05    EME (CW)
144.05-144.10    General CW and weak signals
144.10-144.20    EME and weak-signal SSB
144.200    National calling frequency
144.200-144.275    General SSB operation
144.275-144.300    Propagation beacons
144.30-144.50    New OSCAR subband
144.50-144.60    Linear translator inputs
144.60-144.90    FM repeater inputs
144.90-145.10    Weak signal and FM simplex (145.01,03,05,07,09 are widely used for packet)
145.10-145.20    Linear translator outputs
145.20-145.50    FM repeater outputs
145.50-145.80    Miscellaneous and experimental modes
145.80-146.00    OSCAR subband
146.01-146.37    Repeater inputs
146.40-146.58    Simplex
146.52    National Simplex Calling Frequency

146.61-146.97    Repeater outputs
147.00-147.39    Repeater outputs
147.42-147.57    Simplex
147.60-147.99    Repeater inputs

Notes: The frequency 146.40 MHz is used in some areas as a repeater input. This band plan has been proposed by the ARRL VHF-UHF Advisory Committee.

70 Centimeters (420-450 MHz)
420.00-426.00    ATV repeater or simplex with 421.25 MHz video carrier control links and experimental
426.00-432.00    ATV simplex with 427.250-MHz video carrier frequency
432.00-432.07    EME (Earth-Moon-Earth)
432.07-432.10    Weak-signal CW
432.10    70-cm calling frequency
432.10-432.30    Mixed-mode and weak-signal work
432.30-432.40    Propagation beacons
432.40-433.00    Mixed-mode and weak-signal work
433.00-435.00    Auxiliary/repeater links
435.00-438.00    Satellite only (internationally)
438.00-444.00    ATV repeater input with 439.250-MHz video carrier frequency and repeater links
442.00-445.00    Repeater inputs and outputs (local option)
445.00-447.00    Shared by auxiliary and control links, repeaters and simplex (local option)
446.00    National simplex frequency
447.00-450.00    Repeater inputs and outputs (local option)



National Weather Frequencies:
1) 161.650              5) 162.440              9) 162.525
2) 161.775              6) 162.450             10) 162.550
3) 162.400              7) 162.475             11) 163.275
4) 162.425              8) 162.500

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North America - USA 🇺🇸 / Canada 🇨🇦 Amateur Frequencies
A shared discussion about North America Frequencies.

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